Solar 3.0 Hunter Builds - Destiny 2 (2024)

Solar 3.0 Hunter Builds for PVP and PVE

If you are reading this article I am assuming you play Hunter, and in that case I have good news for you!

With Solar 3.0 Hunters are so hot right now, pun intended.

Of all the classes Hunters got the most beneficial changes and have the highest damage dealing super in the game.

To finish our introduction here I want to go over a few terms that apply to the new solar subclasses which you will mention throughout this article.

Solar 3.0 Hunter Builds - Destiny 2 (1)

Solar Subclass Terms


A quick burst of healing. This heal is an instantaneous chunk of health that is returned.


Health regeneration that occurs over a short window of time continuously. This is like recovery, but is not interrupted by taking damage.


A weapon damage increase, in PvP this is 10% and PvE this is 25%.


A debuff applied to a target in which they take burn damage. Scorch stacks up to 100 stacks. As stacks of scorch increases, the damage of the burn increases until 100 stacks of scorch are reached in which a target ignites.


A large explosion of solar damage that affects nearby targets.

Now that you have your glossary of terms let’s get into the builds.

PvE Build Recommendations

In the current state of Solar 3.0 the hunter is best for dealing damage to bosses, so this build will lean into that, but also have some of the other aspects that Solar 3.0 has to offer.


  • Blade Barrage – With solar 3.0 this super can deal the most damage in the game. You can melt bosses and high health enemies with an easy to use super.
Class Ability
  • Gambler’s Dodge – The effect that Gambler’s dodge has on the neutral game is a lot more beneficial than the tiny DPS gain from Marksman’s dodge. Use your dodge if your melee ability is on cooldown to get it right back to get knife chains going.
Movement Ability
  • Triple Jump – Jump is mostly preference, but I recommend triple jump as it is the jump that gives the greatest ability for directional change and saving yourself in case you start to fall off an edge.
Melee Ability
  • Knife Trick – This ability can hit multiple targets and applies scorched. Under most conditions you’ll have infinite knives due to aspects and fragments, and if you don’t, dodge by a target to get it right back.
Grenade Ability
  • Tripmine Grenade – It deals good scorch stacks and damage. Can stick to targets to make sure you get full damage.


Knock ‘Em Down

This aspect increases the number of knives in Blade Barrage increasing the amount of damage the super does by roughly 50%. Not only does it give a huge boost to super damage, it refunds your melee attack off a melee attack kill when radiant. This is a must-have.

Gunpowder Gamble

The only downside is this aspect only gives 1 fragment, but the ability is far better than that of On your Mark. With just a couple knife or solar weapon kills you get this overpowered grenade which is good for single target damage and clearing groups.


Ember of Torches

Using your melee against a combatant makes you and nearby allies radiant. Note that this isn’t a kill, it’s just getting a hit with your melee. With near infinite knives you essentially have an infinite 25% weapon damage bonus.

Ember of Solace

This increases the duration of radiant, meaning you can focus more on shooting your gun rather than refreshing your radiant buff.
Ember of Empyrean: With classy restoration you can easily get restoration on dodge, this fragment refreshes restoration on a kill. Meaning if you kill enemies quickly enough you can keep restoration up indefinitely.

Stat Prioritization


This is the primary stat to prioritize to decrease the dodge cooldown as much as possible. With the final column of the artifact is the Classy Restoration mod which will make you nearly invincible with high mobility.


The super is still the star of the show here, and the higher the intellect, the faster the super recharge rate.

Recommended Exotics

Star-Eater Scales

This exotic can increase your super damage by a whopping 70% if it is fully charged from picking up orbs of light. This is the most recommended exotic as it maximizes your boss burst damage.

Young Ahamkara’s Spine

With this exotic you can opt to not use your guns.

Solar 3.0 Hunter Builds - Destiny 2 (2)

You already have near-infinite knives, and with this you’ll have near-infinite tripmine grenades as they will refund grenade energy with ability damage.

Wormhusk Crown

Dodging will act as if it has cure and restoration with this exotic equipped. Nice boost to survivability.

Recommended Mods

Harmonic Siphon

Orbs fuel the exotic Star-Eater Scales for increased super damage, and this mod lets you create orbs for yourself to charge up your stacks of Star-Eater Scales.

Classy Restoration

This season 17 artifact mod is fantastic for hunters as it grants restoration on a dodge. If played right the only way you can die is getting one shot, or falling off the map.

Hands On

You get bonus super energy with melee kills. Remember how your super is really good and you can throw a lot of knives? Yeah, this mod is a must-use to get your super back very fast.

Font of Might

If using Xenophage, the solar damage match will allow you to deal bonus damage with Xenophage.

Utility Kickstart

With Classy Restoration dodging gives great survivability, this will allow you to dodge even more.

General Strategy

The boss damage portion of this build is rather easy. Once you have your supercharge up Star-Eater Scales stacks by creating orbs using the Harmonic Siphon mod or picking up teammates’ orbs.

During a boss damage phase, use your maxed out super and point and click at the boss. After using your super you can use your gunpowder grenade and weapons to deal damage.

Be sure to use your throwing knife before you start using weapons as that will apply radiant for a bonus 25% to weapon damage.

As for the neutral game knife trick can be refunded by killing enemies with it and keep up radiant to clear enemies faster. If you miss a knife, you can dodge near an enemy to get it back.

If you opt to use Young Ahamkara’s Spine, you can play with grenades as you can with knife trick. Be sure to pay attention to your grenade slot for Gunpowder Gamble to be active and to use that on cooldown as you will get it back very quickly with your abilities.

Lastly with Classy Restoration, using your dodge is a means of survivability and dodge should be used to stay alive when in trouble.

PvP Build Recommendations

In the new age of solar, the hunter doesn’t have as clear cut of a playstyle as the Void 3.0 version, but there are a lot of good neutral game elements to solar which this build will play around.


  • Golden Gun – Deadshot or Blade Barrage – The Deadshot form of golden gun gets 6 shots. The super still one-shots an enemy, with the extra shots you have a wider margin of error and can counter other supers. Blade Barrage is good as a shutdown super and will be great for tiebreakers in Trials of Osiris as it can destroy a titan bubble and the cooldown is much less.
Class Ability
  • Gambler’s or Marksman’s Dodge – Either option is good based on playstyle. If you find yourself using knives often, go Gambler’s, and if you find yourself using weapons in close quarter engagements, go Marksman’s. Acrobat’s Dodge has a cool animation and gives radiant, but the 10% damage bonus is not worth the much longer cooldown.
Movement Ability
  • Strafe Jump – This jump gives you the most forward propulsion and makes you the fastest, speed is great to have for repositioning.
Melee Ability
  • Lightweight Knife or Proximity Explosive Knife – Lightweight knife is great for a quick combo off of a shotgun or hand cannon shot and the explosive knife is fantastic for finishing an enemy behind cover who may be holding the angle with a shotgun.
Grenade Ability
  • Tripmine Grenade – These grenades deal a lot of damage and are great for area denial. They can also be used as a more difficult to use Gunpowder Gamble and can be shot out mid air to kill an enemy behind cover.


Knock ‘Em Down

This aspect increases the duration of your golden gun to help you find more targets and synergizes with Ember of Torches to get you radiant on a throwing knife hit and refund your throwing knife on a throwing knife kill.

On Your Mark

The effect of this Aspect is pretty bad in PvE, but is great in PvP. Handling is an amazing stat to have, and with this Aspect you get a massive boost to handling and reload on dodge as you can see from the ADS and weapon swap speed in the clip, as well as 3 Fragments to play with.

Gunpowder Gamble doesn’t have the same boom in PvP and is harder to get as quickly as in PvE so it is not being used here.


Ember of Torches

This is the same as PvE where a hit, not a kill gives radiant, which in PvP is a 10% weapon damage buff.

Ember of Solace

This increases the duration of radiant, so you can take more advantage of the damage buff.

Ember of Singeing

This gives back dodge energy when you apply scorch to enemies. This can be the difference between an extra dodge or two in a damage phase for a free reload. Also lets you dodge more often to clear out lower health enemies faster.

Ember of Benevolence

Applying restoration, radiant, or cure to an ally gives you faster ability regeneration of all abilities but your super. This can be activated with an enemy near you when you get a knife hit.

Ember of Searing

This gives a recovery bonus and helps you get back throwing knife by refunding melee energy on a scorched target kill, which is essentially a target touched by your abilities.

Stat Prioritization


Try your best to get this to 100 to get your dodge as quickly back as possible. With classy restoration and Wormhusk Crown your dodge allows you to stay in or reengage during fights very easily giving you the upper hand in a duel.


Your grenade is the one ability you may have some trouble getting back through your build, so that can be supplemented by a better discipline stat, as it is a very strong ability in your kit.

Recommended Exotics

Wormhusk Crown

This is a top tier PvP exotic because of the quick health boost which can turn a fight around.

Young Ahamkara’s Spine

This exotic gives a large buff to tripmines increasing their ability for area denial as they have a lot of health, last longer, don’t damage you, and help refund their own energy.

The Sixth Coyote

Not as highly recommended as the others, but depending on if you are using classy restoration you get 2 dodges to use the extremely strong mod.

Recommended Mods

Classy Restoration

This season 17 artifact mod is fantastic for hunters as it grants restoration on a dodge. If played right the only way you can die is getting one shot, or falling off the map.

Utility Kickstart

With Classy Restoration dodging gives great survivability, this will allow you to dodge even more.


This mod is preference-based, but it can make getting your trip mine into certain spots much easier due to the throw trajectory of your grenades.

General Strategy

This class has a strong neutral game and abilities that weave into gunplay seamlessly. Something to take note of is that your abilities deal a lot of damage. The trip mine grenade or throwing knife can be combined with a hand cannon body shot for a kill.

The trip mine grenade is a great way to initiate a fight when you know an enemy is rounding a corner or is behind cover. Once a fight is initiated take advantage of your dodge and high handling to heal and quick swap between weapons for burst damage.

Not only are your grenade and throwing knife a great way to initiate a fight on an enemy behind cover, but are a great way to finish a low health enemy behind cover due to their area of effect damage and because you can shoot them to detonate them quickly before an enemy can react.

Scorch is the nemesis to those with high recovery, as applying tick damage prevents an enemy from recovering, allowing you to press an enemy because you will recover your health back before they can.

Lastly, the dodge gives so much if using Wormhusk Crown and Classy Restoration. If so, dodge gives a burst heal, restoration, your melee back if close to an enemy, reload speed, and handling so high that playing other classes will feel so sluggish in comparison.

Closing Thoughts

Hunter got the best of solar 3.0 and is strong in both PvE and PvP. The classy restoration mod alone puts solar hunter at the top of content.

But even once that mod sunsets after Season 17, the class will still have strong merits due to its massive PvE damage and well-rounded kit in PvP. Be sure to take advantage of this class while it’s hot.

Thanks for reading! Check out our other Destiny 2 class guides here.

Solar 3.0 Hunter Builds - Destiny 2 (2024)


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Best Solar Titan Builds In Destiny 2: Lightfall (Sunbreaker)
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FragmentsEmber of Torches Ember of Solace Ember of Resolve Ember of Searing
Exotic ArmorLoreley Splendor
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May 5, 2023

What is the best solar build for Hunter PvP? ›

Best Hunter PvP Solar Build

There are two schools of thought when it comes to Solar Hunter builds in PvP: Blade Barrage or Golden Gun. For a shutdown build, you want: The Blade Barrage Super. Equip Star Eater's Scales Exotic Leg Armor and build for some ability to create Orbs of Power easily.

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Top Solar 3.0 builds
Tricky TripminerHunterBest in Class
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Oct 26, 2022

What is the best Hunter solar build? ›

Top Solar Hunter builds
NameClassExcels in
Tricky TripminerHunterEndgame
Radiant AssassinHunterSolo
Igniting KnifeslingerHunterEndgame
Star-Eating BarrageHunterEndgame
May 5, 2023

What is the best PvE solar 3.0 Warlock build? ›

At the moment with Solar 3.0, the top build for Warlocks is the Starfire Protocol build. This build focuses on spamming your grenades to deal big damage by utilizing scorch and ignite. This build can be used in pretty much all forms of PVE content, from solo world content to raids.

How many solar fragments for full armor? ›

Crafting it requires a total of 36 Luminite Bars (144 Luminite) and 45 Solar Fragments. A full set of the Solar Flare armor will provide the following benefits: +26% / +17% melee critical hit chance.

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Lady Efrideet is the only other remaining Iron Lord. By all accounts, she is likely the oldest and most powerful of the Hunters.

What is the strongest Hunter Subclass? ›

1. Voidwalker (Void 3.0) Nightstalker has it all. Potent invisibility, powerful aspects, and synergistic fragments, as well as some of the best exotics in the entire game.

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Strandweaver. Silkstrike is the only Strand Super Ability for Hunters, so it's the default choice here. The Strandweaver build focuses on destroying dense waves of enemies. Pairing damage with abilities, you can have near constant grenade and class ability charges to deal with all non-boss mobs.

What are the best solar power types? ›

Among all panel types, crystalline solar panels have the highest efficiency. Monocrystalline panels have an efficiency rating over 20%. PERC panels add an extra 5% efficiency thanks to their passivation layer.

What is the best solar placement? ›

The proper solar panel orientation for homes located north of the equator is facing true south. For homes located south of the equator, it will be the opposite—,facing true north. This will provide the best orientation to allow the most exposure time to the sun and produce the most amount of electricity.

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Abilities: Well of Radiance is arguably the strongest Super in the entire game, so running it is a no-brainer. Fusion Grenades, Solar Grenades, and Celestial Fire are generally the best picks beyond the Super.

What is the strongest subclass in Destiny 2? ›

The Gunslinger subclass is the best Hunter subclass thanks to its versatility. The Golden Gun super is one of the best in the game. It can wipe out an entire team in the Crucible or deal massive damage to bosses in strikes and raids.

What is the best Titan solar 3.0 subclass? ›

Sunbreaker (Solar 3.0) The Sunbreaker Titan has always been a reliable choice since the Red War. Solar 3.0 made Sunbreaker one of the best subclasses for solo content by making your titan almost impossible to kill.

What subclass is best for Hunter? ›

As a result, Revenant is the most build-rich out of the Hunter subclasses. A good build will have constant abilities, a near-permanent 25% damage buff, 40% DR, and enough crowd control to keep GM Nightfall enemies at bay. Revenant is a criminally underrated PvE subclass with a high PvP skill ceiling.

What stats are most important for hunters Destiny 2? ›

The best stats for Hunters in Destiny 2 are Mobility, Resilience, and Discipline. Raising the Mobility stat increases both your movement speed and jump height, which is always useful when navigating a large group of enemies.

Does ember of torches work in PvP? ›

Hunters get extra use out of this Fragment since they can trigger Knock 'Em Down with every melee kill. Despite the use of "combatant" in the description, Ember of Torches works in PvP.

What is the best solar 3.0 grenade? ›

The Best Solar Grenades for PVE in Destiny 2
  • Healing Grenade. ...
  • Thermite Grenade. ...
  • Incendiary Grenade. ...
  • Solar Grenade. ...
  • Tripmine Grenade. ...
  • Fusion Grenade. ...
  • Swarm Grenade. ...
  • Firebolt Grenade. With their tracking capabilities, Firebolt Grenades can be extremely useful in the Crucible.
Mar 27, 2023

Is void or solar Warlock better? ›

In nightfalls, there's a literal modifier that makes you take more damage while in the air. Conclusion: Void warlock does a better job at keeping the player alive and even healing your friends than solar warlocks are.

What aspects should I use for Hunter? ›

  • Aspects: Gunpowder Gamble, Knock 'em Down.
  • Melee: Weighted Throwing Knife.
  • Grenade: Tripmine Grenade.
  • Fragments: Empyrean, Singeing, Solace, Torches.
  • Mods: Bomber, Elemental Ordnance, Melee Wellmaker.
Feb 23, 2023

What is the best weapon for Hunter? ›

WoW Classic Phase 5 Hunter Off-Hand Weapons
BestFang of the FacelessZul'Gurub
Best(PvP)High Warlord's BladePvP Vendor
Best(PvP)High Warlord's CleaverPvP Vendor
OptionalCore Hound ToothMolten Core
2 more rows

What is the best arc grenade for hunters in Destiny 2? ›

Hunters that use the Arc subclass should always be using the arcbolt grenade. Each grenade will chain arc energy between foes, dealing the same amount of damage to each. Unlike the other area of effect grenades, the arcbolt will do high damage to any enemy that is close enough to chain its energy.

What's the best pre Moon Lord armor? ›

  • The Chlorophyte Mask, Valhalla Knight's Breastplate, and. ...
  • Shroomite armor is the best option for ranged users, although its set bonus is of very little use in this fight. ...
  • Spectre armor is the best option for magic users. ...
  • Spooky armor is the best option for summoners.

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The Daybreak is useful against the Moon Lord due to its high single target damage. The Solar Eruption, a weapon also crafted from Solar Fragments, can be better for multiple targets.

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240x Old Dragon Fragments.

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He is one of the awakened humans who became able to use mana, but ranked as the World's Weakest Hunter, being the weakest E-Rank Hunter and Jin-Woo soon delved down the path of becoming the World's Strongest Hunter after he was Reawakened and became a Player.

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All Platforms Glory Rating Leaderboard
RankPlayerRounds Played
1sirvalon #478573
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Xivu Arath is the youngest of the three siblings, but in terms of sheer physical strength, she is the strongest.

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Chairman Isaac Netero spent years training both his body and his Nen ability to their peaks. In his prime, he was the most powerful Hunter and Nen user in the world. Netero is also the fastest character in Hunter x Hunter, although his hypersonic speed only applies to his arm movements.

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1. Gon – the most powerful Hunter x Hunter character. Although Meruem was naturally the strongest character in Hunter x Hunter (2011), Gon Freecs surpasses his power through limitless rage after the death of his friend and mentor, Kite.

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Best Hunter Leveling Spec in Shadowlands

Beast Mastery is one of the strongest solo specializations in the game, with a stronger arsenal of pets available and huge utility both from talents to learned abilities, which leads to a much easier leveling experience than most classes.

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The St0mp-EE5 lands as our number-one pick for the best Hunter armor in Destiny 2. That's solely because of how great it is at boosting Hunter's mobility, after all, it's what the class is so well-known for. The St0mp-EE5 boosts your sprint and slide speed, as well as boosting strafe, high, and triple jump.

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Cyrtarachne's Facade will be every Strand Hunter's best friend, particularly if you just can't get enough of the high-flying Grapples. This helmet will grant Woven Mail when you Grapple, which increases your damage resistance and flinch resistance.

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Of course, nuclear weapons surpass all other weapons made to date, because they have enormous destructive power and can cut down an entire city and a large part of the population, and radiation after a nuclear attack would be present for decades.

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Although this weapon is very powerful and should be used in close-medium ranges (medium-long ranges if you're skilled) don's use this if the enemy is too close to you or else you might risk taking self-explosion damage. It can be used to deal good damage on any heavily armored players.

What is the strongest in the solar system? ›

Jupiter. After the Sun, Jupiter has by far the strongest and biggest magnetic field in our solar system — it stretches about 12 million miles from east to west, almost 15 times the width of the Sun.

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Solar thermal (for heating) Concentrated solar power (for electricity) Solar Photovoltaics (electricity)

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The most efficient solar panels on the residential market today are sold by SunPower and Canadian Solar. Both have a maximum efficiency rate of 22.8%. But competitors are closing the gap. Solar panels are made differently, and some are more efficient than others.

Is west or East better for solar? ›

Solar panels facing west will generate more energy later in the day, closer to peak use times. Peak production time happens around 4pm, which is about the same time that household usage starts to increase. If your aim is to produce the electricity that you use, then west-facing solar panels can help you meet your goal.

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The Best States for Solar Broken Down by Metric
RankStatePercentage of Energy Run by Solar
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Feb 24, 2023

What is the best solar grenade in Destiny 2? ›

The Best Solar Grenades for PVE in Destiny 2
  • Healing Grenade. ...
  • Thermite Grenade. ...
  • Incendiary Grenade. ...
  • Solar Grenade. ...
  • Tripmine Grenade. ...
  • Fusion Grenade. ...
  • Swarm Grenade. ...
  • Firebolt Grenade. With their tracking capabilities, Firebolt Grenades can be extremely useful in the Crucible.
Mar 27, 2023

What is the best solar SMG in Destiny 2? ›

CALUS Mini-Tool — Best Destiny 2 Solar Weapons. Probably the most popular weapon to come out of Season of the Haunted, the Calus Mini-Tool is an add-killing machine. It boosts your movement speed, can roll Incandescent, and feels great to fire. Definitely the best Solar SMG currently available in Destiny 2.

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Most Efficient Residential Solar Panels
Efficient Residential Solar Panels
SunPower420-440W Residential AC Module22.80%
Q CellsQ.Peak Duo Blk ML-G10+20.90%
REC SolarREC Alpha Pure-R22.30%
Panasonic SolarEverVolt™ Series22.20%
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4 days ago

Which Hunter grenade does the most damage? ›

The incendiary grenade is the best solar grenade for hunters to use in the gunslinger subclass. The initial blast will deal high damage on impact, followed by five ticks of area of effect damage. It must rest at the base of an enemy before exploding to cause the highest possible damage.

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1 Sunbreaker (Solar)

Arguably the best subclass for Titans is Sunbreaker, a Solar spec that's focused on spawning Sunspots and constant healing. Sol Invictus allows a Sunbreaker to light the battlefield aflame, granting ability energy and healing to themselves.

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1. Vortex Grenade. Vortex Grenades are the undisputed champ of Void Grenades in Destiny 2 PVE. They deal great damage and can clear out groups of enemies at a time.

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The Powerful cap for Destiny 2 is 1800, meaning that between 1750 and 1800, the only way to increase your Power level is to get a reward from activities which grant Powerful or Pinnacle gear.

What is the best Warlock Solar 3.0 build? ›

At the moment with Solar 3.0, the top build for Warlocks is the Starfire Protocol build. This build focuses on spamming your grenades to deal big damage by utilizing scorch and ignite. This build can be used in pretty much all forms of PVE content, from solo world content to raids.

What is the most powerful exotic in Destiny 2? ›

Coming in at number one is Witherhoard! This kinetic, special ammo, Grenade Launcher is an absolute unit in all modes and is useful in any encounter, and works with whatever build your character is using. Its exotic perk, Primeval's Torment, makes its fired projectiles blight enemies or the nearby area on impact.

Which solar panel is best mono or poly? ›

Monocrystalline solar panels offer better efficiency because they're produced from pure silicon. They have a sleek, black color and produce more power per square foot but are more expensive. Polycrystalline solar panels use multi-crystalline silicon, which results in lower efficiency.

Which type of solar is good? ›

Among all panel types, crystalline solar panels have the highest efficiency. Monocrystalline panels have an efficiency rating over 20%. PERC panels add an extra 5% efficiency thanks to their passivation layer. Polycrystalline panels hover somewhere between 15-17%.

How much solar do I need? ›

You can calculate how many solar panels you need by multiplying your household's hourly energy requirement by the peak sunlight hours for your area and dividing that by a panel's wattage. Use a low-wattage (150 W) and high-wattage (370 W) example to establish a range (ex: 17-42 panels to generate 11,000 kWh/year).


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